Monday, June 28, 2010

Going to visit the ocean

I have (I hope) enough gas (petrol in British parlance) to get me there and back.
There is something about the ocean, which has always soothed me. Which in some ways is odd, because I sink rather than swim and have nearly drowned three times.
It's the sound,and the scent and during the week, the lack of people.
The Pacfic ocean does not sound as huge and ominous as the incredibly strong North sea off the coast of Norfolk (which although it does sound ominous and you can't see anything, did not frighten me), where for a brief while I shared an over 200 year old cottage with a walled in garden with my ex husband. [This contained fox gloves and wonderful wild flowers and I could hear the sound of the sea from there, as well as smell it.]
Still working for Elton and as usually having had a crazy week, I often had to stop off on the Friday night 6 hour drive to the cottage. Once slept way into the early hours of the morning, quite safely. But when I got there, no matter what time or whether it was sheeting rain, my first desire, aside from parking my car was to walk down the very nearby slipway on to a vast beach in the darkness. And would wander along near, but not too close, to the sea. The sounds were so powerful, and you could palpably feel it. The huge waves crashing in and slowing to a gentler swoosh as they met the beach, just calmed my heart and made everything seem well with the world.
I loved that small cottage, which had withstood many gales without damage, while other new houses around it had. Although I could have done without going into the garden one time I arrived home, to one of the outhouses and being completely startled and horrified at the two pheasants hanging there! You can only hunt pheasants at certain times in the UK, but if they happened to run in front of your car, which they often did, you could keep them. Pheasant is okay (unless it has been shot, in which case, you might bite hard down on a piece of metal!) and is good for you, as is venison. No fatty substance to clog your arteries, as they run a lot.
Particularly remember the small (Munford) village pub; where I was generally one of only a few women; playing darts against the locals. And stunning them all into silence when to win the current game, I actually hit the bullseye to finish the game!
Now being a woman in the music biz boys' club, I did learn how to play darts as well as the small table poole/whatever, with mushrooms. Beat quite a few men at that too. Never got into streaking, however!
Anyway, instead of doing what I should be doing, which is listing more CDs on Amazon or, I shall take my camera and warm clothes and just walk and enjoy the ocean.
It's a measure of my limited budget that I rarely get to the coast, and one of my reasons for returning to Los Angeles, was to be near the ocean!
I am tired. Did not have a good night's sleep, having to sit to do so, because of damage to my left sinus after a fall into a bath tub! Run out of nasal spray, and I do have some percussion going on in my head, but that's ok.
I shall wrap up warmly and hope to come back refreshed and invigorated.

1 comment:

  1. Ann, I want to go and stay in that cottage, I love the walled in garden. Thank you for sharing.
