Sunday, December 15, 2019

Homage to Allan Rinde

It was my very first day at Chrysalis LA. Sitting enjoying a patio with humming birds and plants, I waited for my first appointment.

Artie Wayne arrived, and with him Allan Rinde.

Artie I had met at a year before at Midem, and had a cassette of some of his songs, one of which I was convinced was a hit. I also subsequently introduced him to my successor at Chrysalis Music UK, Chris Stone (where is he now?) and he had also invested in Artie's music.

Linda Kendricks, a great singer (also the pregnant woman in original Hair) with stunning blue eyes and a bit crazy, who I'd met when she was back singer to either or perhaps both, Kiki and Elton. We needed a song, as Private Stock was interested in signing her and came up with money for a single. Pete Gage produced, and we used one of Artie's songs, which title will not escape my memory. After recording it, seemed something was missing, so a bridge was added.

Now you'd think after learning a bit about copyright at Music Sales (and with the help of the really learned Bernard Brown of Apple who helped me when I was gen. man. of Elton's and Bernie's pub. cos), I would have known better.

However, I had had both the imprudence and the impudence to suggest a bridge in the first place.

Now I had a very irate Artie sitting in my new office angry that I had descrated the song he wrote for his grandmother. I was totally horrified that I had upset him so much. Not, as I learned later; and Artie can write about it better than me; quite the reaction Artie was looking for.

Coincidentally, that same evening I was to have dinner with Ten Years After's Ric Lee (another good man), and can't remember whether Allan had invited me or Ric had.

Anyway, a lifelong friendship, which I cherish continues to this day from an inauspicious start.

Allan introduced Blondie to Chrysalis, although to the best of my knowledge, he has never been given credit for this.

Allan has rescued me so many times. In the beginning from my heart break over a major crush on a worthless man, who didn't like the way I cleaned the faucets and who also took me to Joshua Tree, where he simply ignored me. The end. Although I still have a two toned pink scarf bought from BoJangles in Palm Springs, and I did have fun driving my bmw at 100 mph along the desert roads.

Allan's knowledge of music is all encompassing and I owe meeting many interesting people, including Kenny Schaeffer (for the second time, the first was at Joshua Tree, where he also ignored me, however, he had a beautiful brunette model with him) and Michael Ochs, another man with a keen sense of humor, particularly about underwater bars with mermaids.

Allan's and Richard Kimble's Laurel Canyon house became my hang out. They made me laugh so much, as they did again when I visited Richard's and his wife, Patti's house in Palm Springs in 2008. They really should collaborate on a book.

When Allan was designing Genghis Cohen, I was frequently invited for dinners with Chinese chefs he auditioned and that was great fun. I miss him being near.

When David's family problems overtook my life, Allan was there for me so many times

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