Thursday, September 19, 2019

My mother committed suicide when I was 5 and I can remember David and I holding hands in the garden as adults and police milled around us.
EventuallyDad took David and to Nan and Grandpa Munday's where she told her mother to look after us, as he was going to join Doreen/Deirdre.
David was sent to our Irish Grandparents
I had a childhood of physical, mental and sexual abuse.
I was good enough to go to art college, but my step-mother wouldn't let me, and Dad wouldn't stand up to her.
She left him.
He completely fell about.
This was a woman who had hurled Danielle across the room.
Chris decided he needed a break.I came home to cook Sunday lunch, but Dad would not listen to me and after lunch went to sleep.
I took his sleeping pills and if it hadn't been for Debbie, I would have died.
I was taken to hospital.
June dared to visit me, but I refused to see her.
Uncle Bill picked me up from hospital.
The hospital had told Dad that I could deal with my job, the house, the children but I couldn't cope with his pain.
They asked him to stop talking to me about this.
As soon as Dad had picked me up, he started on the same subject again.
I called my close friend Maris, and her mother picked me up.
And she wouldn't let Dad talk to me. She told him that I had had enough.
Nan Munday moved into my room so that there was some propriety with your mother living there.
So when I did eventually come home, I only had a sofa to sleep on.
With the help of Maris' mother, Dad was awarded custody of Danielle.
I know for certain that my step-sister, Debbie loves me very much.
And I have many friends that really love and care about me.
I have helped many people.
Without the kind of help you got I rose almost to the top if not quite the top of the music business.
Not that I am detracting from what you have done, which is amazing and I am very proud of you.
I no longer care whether I speak to David and either of his children again.
I gave them everything I had and I ended up homeless living in one room
From the beginning I started a strong career (in spite of the fact that I have PTSD, depression and acute anxiety disorder) in the music business working for a man, Robert Wise who put no boundaries on what I could do.
I became one of the most prominent women in what was then very chauvinistic music business.
I have worked for other interesting enterprise after the music business, including being asked by the owners of Portmeirion whether I would consider representing them in America.  But i knew nothing about that market.
I am deeply sad that Becky will not even consider forgiving me.
I have absolutely no idea what I did or said.  And I will repay her money.
I gave Sami and Vanessa everything.
I sat with David through hours and days of chemotherapy. I think three or six moths.
There is absolutely no way that he would have got custody of his two daughters without some help from Allan, and a great deal of help from Tom and me.
I sold a home I loved and I am fortunate that the music business helped me.
I have the love of all but one of my Irish cousins.
And it was great to hear from Jacqueline.
But Becky has devastated me.

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