Thursday, March 17, 2011

Life is sometimes just sad and relationships don't work out

and there's no rhyme or reason.
Relationships just don't work out - neither person at fault. Each brought a mountain of abuse; emotional and physical; and either they could heal each others hurts and pains or they could simply make them worse.
Sadly they love each other, but each have triggers that provoke anger.. One person's anger is vented phsycially, the others passive aggressively. Neither loving actions. And each causing both the recipient and the agressor deep pain, regret and anger at themselves.
Such deep sadness and despair that something so loving to begin with, has been torn to pieces and is in tatters, with neither person know what to do or where to go next.
Escape is perhaps the only alternative.
And the memories of the glorious beginning, will be glory again and laughter and giggles will triumph.

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