Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Perhaps my luck is finally changing! And naivete

I am almost afraid to say this, as it's been a truly awful year! Each month something difficult (to say the least) has happened and I have ended that month, hoping the next one will be better, but no.

However the end of this month is turning out okay. Doesn't totally make up for the car accidents (3 - someone smashing past me down a side street and breaking my driver's side wing mirror, reversing into someone I think was driving too fast through a USPS drive through car park, and scraping the side of my pickup while trying to get out of a tiny spot, I probably shouldn't have attempted to get into in the first place, due to two large expensive cars taking up more that 2 adjacent parking spaces!), getting locked out twice, costing me $150, which is more than the $130 I received for the few CDs, Freak Beat Record bought, but retained the three boxes containing over 700 CDs, and not suggesting to me that I could sell them to another Amazon or internet seller, but doing so themselves, thereby immediately making up the small sum they paid me.

It is ridiculous that at my age I am still naive about people in the music business.

Learning that the check I should have received after the mediation by the end of October, will be held by my lawyer (more about her another blog) until sometime next week. Which, to the best of my knowledge is not the end of October! Guess they'll keep the interest!

However, my opinion of Amoeba has gone up, after meeting Jim and Fred, both of whom were really pleasant. Jim (their expert on RIAA awarded discs - I am almost tempted to get copies of all of the ones I should have received - Huey Lewis, other Blondie, etc) was pleased to pay me a fair price for my four platinum discs and a few albums I left out of selling to Freak Beat, because they'd only give me a $1 each for them.

Having tea with a good friend, who is Chairman of the PRS, who has bought a Tea with Klee giclee (he'll hang in his office there), driving back home praying all the way that I would make it to the gas station. I did just! My engine stopped, literally as I crossed their entrance.

Selling two Tea with Klee giclees to the boss, who was my best mentor, Bob Wise of Music Sales - treated me as a woman, an equal, and one with intelligence.

One to a great, but now retired artist manager, John Woodruff and his wife Christine, who became really good friends and got me an invitation to the most prestigeous 3M boat in the Sydney Harbour on Dec31 '84/Jan 1 '85) during my 3 week stay in Australia after I resigned from Chrysalis.
I was asked to stay on for a few months as (which they did not tell me, otherwise I may not have resigned since all senior staff received shares since they then went public) because of Terry Ellis selling his share of Chrysalis to his co-founder, Chris Wright and my loyalty to the company. They needed me to stay on to show that they had a top woman executive, because they wanted not to lose another top executive with TCE leaving, and also because I was really the only top woman exec that the company employed and they needed to show they were "equal op employers" (which they were not) for the British share offering. It's amazing how naive I have been in respect of certain people, for someone so good at business and negotiating!

1 comment:

  1. It's not that you are naive, it's that you are a trusting person and no matter how long your in business, nothing changes. You are who you are and that's why we all love you so much. You sound great, and whatever you do you will always be a success. Successful business woman and now a successful artist.
